Literacy Resource Center

Literacy Resource CenterLiteracy Resource Center established in 1997 with support from ACCU.

The main objectives of the LRC are:

1. to collect/provide information and reference materials on literacy and NFE
2. to develop innovative literacy strategies and materials, and
3. to provide training opportunities for literacy and NFE workers in different aspect

The Resource Center is the one and only one Literacy Resource Center in Nepal. The center is fully dedicated to develop innovative programs on literacy and NFE. The center is able to show examples in organizing literacy and NFE programs, which was adopted by government and NGOs in Nepal such CLC, Integrated vocational literacy programs etc.

The center has national and international literacy related materials including research papers, journals, multimedia, periodicals, newsletters, bulletins, thesis etc.

Similarly, it has collected 200 different kind of literacy learning materials from national and international agencies.

Center has also helped local NGOs to build capability in different aspects of literacy and NFE through different training and workshops.

Different NGOs, INGOs, students of Bachelor and Master degree students, researchers etc are getting benefits from the resource center.

The center has been closely link with 21 LRCs of 20 countries of Asia and Pacific Region. It is sharing its experiences of working on literacy and Nonformal education with these LRCs through capacity building training, meetings, bulletins and other electronic medias.